Saturday, May 15, 2010

"bloodreal" to be published in june 2010

reviews of crazycarl's new anthology, bloodreal:

"Crazycarl is like 7-Up: never had it and never will."
-Graffiti on a bathroom wall from 1989

"Your writing is as important to this world as that tree out there."
-Mama (pointing to a tree out there)

"In summation, this book feels like the literary equivalent of those weird 'friends' you would tolerate in hanging around in grade school despite not liking them much; you have no idea why you put up with them in the first place, but you did until you finally were able to separate from them at some point and let them blossom into the jock/bully/asshole they were destined to be."
-From a review in Razorcake Magazine

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